Perylune is an astrodynamics system that's in very early stages of development. It is being developed as master thesis of Tomek Mrugalski. It is being updated frequently.

  1. NOAA Sats and ground stations viewer - I'm involved in the Satnogs project that designed and implemented satellite ground station that's able to receive data from various sats. A sample visualization that shows 5 sats with VHF transmitters, their orbits, SSP (sub-satellite points), with 2 ground stations. These are the sats that are being used in the satnogs project, a VHF ground station that receives transmissions from satellites flying over.
  2. Bibliography comparison - During my MSc thesis research I'll need to cover many topics related to orbital mechanics and astrodynamics. Many of those books are monographies really with number of pages getting close to 1000. I can't read all of them up front, so I needed a bibliography reference. This page is a comparison of 6 books related to astrodynamics. One notable missing is Fundamentals of Astrodynamics and Applications by Vallado. Sadly, I was not able to get it yet.
  3. GNSS Constellations - There are currently four fully operational GNSS systems: NAVSTAR (better known as GPS), GLONASS, Galileo, and Beidou. I've downloaded TLE data for all of them and propagated orbital positions. This page is a visualization of the constellations. You can observe how the sats are moving and changing position in relation to each other. Note that too many sats shown at once will slow down your computer. You can clear all of them by clicking Remove all button.
  4. MSc. dissertation (Sep 2020) - State of the MSc dissertation. 41 pages, Intro chapter mostly done, problem 1 complete, problems 2, 4 in progress.
  5. Problem 2: Orbital rendezvous - This Jupyter notebook showcases the calculations needed to design orbital maneuvers (burns) to reach an orbit of defunct NOAA-17 sat from an orbit of a cubesat launched by RocketLab, currently the most affordable provider on market. Note the diagrams are interactive (try to drag and double click).
  6. Problem 7: website for tracking Polish satellites - a 3D website that showcases existing and historic Polish satellites. The website uses realistic light and shading model, allows switching between ECI and ECEF references, showing TLE orbital data and more.
  7. Problem 3: Debunking fake news - analysis of 1998 OR2 asteroid that flew close-by Earth in April 2020.
  8. Problem 4:Interplanetary trajectories - delta-v calculations for all major and dwarf planets, and couple example asteroids.
  9. Recreating Mars 2020 trajectory - an attempt to recreate the trajectory of Mars 2020, that is en route to Mars as of time of writing this.
  10. Solar System visualization - with all major and dwarf planets. For dwarf planets their trajectory passed in an Earth year is marked.
  11. Problem 4: planets distance - diagrams of distances to many planets in years 2012-2040.
  12. Problem 4: optimal transfer windows - so called pork-chop plots for Mars and Venus transfer windows.
  13. Problem 5: Asteroids survey - a list of all known asteroids with a top 20 that are easiest to get to from Earth
  14. Problem 5: Asteroid histograms - various histograms of all known asteroids. Sadly, the HTML exporter seems to be broken. It is unable to export charts with 1M+ points.
  15. Problem 5: Solar system visualization - Major planets, also inner planets with trajectories of top 20 asteroids.

M.Sc. dissertation (PDF) - final version, 2021-11-02